The last quarter of my life is now officially over halfway done, but I'll have to wait to see about this whole graduating thing. So far, my capstone is giving me a lot more trouble than I was thinking it would, but we don't have to talk about that. I'm a little bitter right now.
However, the big news in my life for the week: playing in a golf tournament! Yes, you read it right, a GOLF tournament. Watch out Tiger, Bogott's clawing her way to the top. The Principia Parents' Association hosted a golf scramble last weekend, and the Duttons were down a member, so they got 2 for the price of 1! Trey and I joined the team, and even though it was freezing cold, super windy, and both of our first times out a course, golfing may just become my weekend getaway from actuarial valuations! Don't worry, Courtney, I'll still go rollerblading with you too...and bike riding...and swimming...and marathon training.
But to think that all of this weekend excitement occurred because of a trip to the DMV, now that is the crazy part. Trey's license expired, so we went down to the DOR, but they said he needed his birth certificate, so we went to his house to that, then back to another DMV for a 2 minute test, then to a SHOE STORE (yes, I did actually, successfully get Richard Allen Dutton III, man who has strong moral opposition to the art of wearing shoes, into a shoe store where he actually found my very cute pair of red shoes for graduation and semi-approved my purchase of a mostly comfortable pair of silver shoes for my bridesmaid dress), then to Party City for shower decorations, and then he helped me fix my sunroof! After that, we went to Casa Gallardo (oh so amazingly tasty Mexican restaurant) for dinner, back to Prin for Recycled Percussion (Dad, you would have LOVED it), pub time with Tommy and Samantha, back to the Dutton's, and finally we're back at the golf tournament. So, if anyone's not looking forward to a trip to the DMV, I say that you just never know what could happen.
Sorry for the severe lack of updates lately folks, but this Personal Journaling class has been draining on my creative juices. After writing about collections and soundtracks and moments and ordinary things and all that jazz, it's my blog that suffers. It's a shame, and I'm not proud to admit it, but it's true.
And how could I forget...
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