On other news, two of my best friends are getting married! Samantha and Tommy got engaged on February 10th, and they are tying the knot this July 11th. How exciting!! They are the cutest, sweetest couple, and it's so much fun getting to hear all their plans. It's exciting to know both of them so well, and I couldn't be happier for them. This will be my 4th time as a bridesmaid, but even though Courtney said, "Always a bridesmaid, never a bride," I can't wait to be a bridesmaid for them, and I would rather be always a bridesmaid than always a bride! We had a little party for them yesterday while Samantha's parents were in town for dance prod and had Samantha's favorite Popeye's chicken and yummy pies from My Just Desserts and sparkling cider!
My collegiate career of swimming ended last week. It's been weird not to be practicing, and it's too bad that I just can't keep say that I'm not too sad to say goodbye. Liberal Arts went really well, and the women ended in 3rd place! Last time tat happened was Courtney's senior year, and the women's 400 free relay took her off the board! Sorry Courtney...crushed by 3 seconds! I became a distance swimmer this year and took 12 seconds off my 500 and 37 off my mile, so I feel like it was a pretty successful year even if I never made the Top Ten list. At the end of the meet, we threw Carl, Jenny, and Eric in the pool, and then Steph and I did a senior belly flop for the team.
Two weeks until Spring Break!! The first week will be with the Duttons in Pompano Beach, FL, and then Peter, Laura, Karen, and Samantha are joining Trey and I down there to spend the second week having more fun in the sun. I am so excited and ready!
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