Thursday, December 11, 2008
Wednesday, December 3, 2008
Waking up with a boy in my bed...

We hung out all day on Sunday, and we'd play hard, and then he's crash, and I would read New Dawn (yes, Twilight is a great series!). Unfortunately I had to go back to work on Monday, but Courtney has the month of December off while she's waiting to start her new job, so she's being a great pug aunt and taking care of Sheldon during the day. He's been really good and not having many accidents at all. We keep a little log of all Sheldon's activities (and I mean all), so we can all be in the know, and Courtney kept me updated on his day through her blog.
He's had a couple fleas, so on Monday night, Sheldon got the spa treatment. For puppies who can't have flea powder yet, dawn dishwashing soap is supposed to help get rid of fleas. Afterward, I clipped his nails and cleaned his ears.
He also got to play with Megan, the daughter of one of Courtney's friends from church. She LOVES pugs and American Girls. Luckily, Courtney did too as a kid, so she has some Megan got to play with.
You may be thinking, he's such a laid-back puppy! Wow, so good! out he goes CRAZY after work and has a strange obsession with my forearmpits, which he likes to lick and bite. We're working on dominance issues. I'm the alpha, not little Sheldon. Yes, he truly is one of God's little weirdos!
And the title? Well, last night, I made a little blockade so Sheldon wouldn't have to be in his crate because he hates it and cries to get out and be on my bed, but I'm trying to make sure his flea problem doesn't get worse, so I don't want him to sleep with me. So, I put him down beside me, and he cried for a while but I pet him, and he finally fell asleep (thanks Trey). But I woke up at 4:30 this morning because he was sleeping on my neck (his favorite spot), and for the life of me, I cannot remember picking him up during the night! Maybe he is wonder pug...
Sunday, November 23, 2008
In love and obsessed...
Ruby and Dora are enjoying lots of quality Aunt Bea time since Courtney and Phil left for Darcey's wedding yesterday morning, and we went for a long walk tonight, but at the end, I said, "Who wants TURKEY TURKEY TURKEY?" and they sure sprinted home for that!!
I'm realizing that maybe living by myself is slightly over-rated. I totally freaked out last night because when I got home, the carbon monoxide detector was beeping, and even though it was just the battery warning, it made me really worried, so I grabbed Ruby and Dora, turned off the heat upstairs, closed my door and opened my window wide! It was kind of chilly, but I made sure to cover the pugs up with a big quilt, and every once in a while they'd get under the covers with me. Man, I just get scared so easily and always imagine the worst. Apartment living is going to be a bigger step for me than I thought!
Sleepy time now...I have to go to work tomorrow.
Friday, November 21, 2008
I'm a Mommy!!
The adoption went through tonight, and now I'm the proud mommy of a brand new baby pug! Since I'll be going out of town for Thanksgiving, I got to meet him tonight, but he went back to his house for the rest of the week. I get to bring him home when I fly in on Saturday evening.
He is the most precious pug ever!! It was really cold outside, so he was shivering, and I put him inside my vest, and he was just so snuggly and adorable. Mike said he was a real goofball and loved to make everybody laugh. Right now, his parents have been calling him CJ for Crotch Junior! Haha, his dad's name is Crotch Penny Berry Focker, named Crotch just because he's kind of a "crotch". They were really funny, and they obviously love their pugs! Who couldn't?!
Here are some more pictures to enjoy!! Oh, my vest still smells like baby pug, and I never want to wash it!!!!
Wednesday, October 22, 2008
St. Louis!!
On Friday night, we met Rick and Debbie at Ted Drewes for the best concretes in the world. They had just gotten back from a Blues Hockey game, where they were supposed to have gotten a free blizzard for 3 goals, but it turns out they weren't supposed to run that promotion. Oops! Ted Drewes is better, anyway!
Trey takes a good picture while driving a golf cart, huh?
Here's Peter and I having fun on the tramp out back.
Sunday, September 28, 2008
Another week begins!
This was a really fun weekend! Friday night was the debate (which I only watched part of), and then I got to talk to Trey for a little while as he was finishing up helping some friends pack their house. On Saturday, I went running on Katy Trail with my running girls, and it's a really nice place to run. It's busy, but much less intense than running and competing with the bikers at White Rock Lake. They have separate trails for runners with that rubber track and a paved trail for bikers and rollerbladers.
If you're looking for a funny movie, you should definitely go to Ghost Town. I went with a couple girls from work and a girl from church this weekend, and it was great! The premise sounds more like a scary movie because this man sees dead people, but there's nothing scary about it at all.
Sunday was a pretty normal day for me, and it was nice to enjoy the weekend. After church, I had lunch with a friend, then shopped around Target, came home, did some random things around the house and helped make dinner. It was delicious, if I do say so myself! I even touched raw chicken (ugly raw chicken face still happens, but it's getting better)! We made Elegant Chicken and Pasta, which is chicken and whipping cream and parmesan cheese all baked together to make a kind of chicken alfredo, and you serve it over pasta. Soooo good!
Anyway, time for me to head to bed! I guess I'll be dreaming of chicken. Oh, and Courtney asked me, "How long does the cooken chick?" lol...
Thursday, September 18, 2008
Courtney, Chelsea and I are running the Tour Des Fleurs 10K on Saturday morning benefiting the Dallas Arboretum, which is very close to the area that I'd like to live someday. We've been training since the beginning of August, and we're working towards the White Rock Half Marathon in December, so this race is perfectly timed in our schedule! They even gave us really nice dry weave shirts that are cute too-- pink and green for the girls, and I think the guys had navy and red. Haha, and I was just reading on the website that it's the "Best Post-Party in Town" with a complimentary massage and lots of food from tons of different vendors, Einstein Bros included!
It's time for me to study now-- my exam is 2 months away now! Who thought that after college, I'd still be taking exams and studying? Well, actually, I guess I did since I signed up for this before college I hope everyone has a great end of the week and weekend too! Happy Thursday!
Sunday, September 7, 2008
Fried Green Tomatoes at the Baker Sisters' Cafe
Fried Green Tomatoes
Heat about 1/2 inch of veggie oil in a pan on med-high. In one bowl, mix cornmeal, Lowry's season salt, and pepper. I just mix up enough so that you can smell the seasoning, but so that it's not overpowering. In another bowl, combine 2 eggs and a little milk and mix up with a fork. Slice tomatoes a little thicker than 1/4 inch. Dip in eggs and then cover in cornmeal mixture. Do it again! Set in hot oil, and turn when that side turns golden brown. If it turns too dark too quickly, lower the heat-- they're no good burned, but you also don't want to cook them forever!
Take em out when both sides are golden. I like to drain them on a cooling rack with paper towels underneath. Serve 'em hot with ranch dressing or just plain. Yumm. Southern cookin'. Gotta love that fried goodness. Phil doesn't even like tomatoes, but he liked these!
Time Tested Beauty Tips
"Time Tested Beauty Tips"
For attractive lips, speak words of kindness.
For lovely eyes, seek out the good in people.
For a slim figure, share your food with the hungry.
For beautiful hair, let a child run his or her fingers through it once a day.
For poise, walk with the knowledge you'll never walk alone.
People, even more than things, have to be restored, renewed, revived, reclaimed, and redeemed; Never throw out anybody.
Remember, If you ever need a helping hand, you'll find one at the end of your arm.
As you grow older, you will discover that you have two hands, one for helping yourself, the other for helping others.
The beauty of a woman is not in the clothes she wears, the figure that she carries, or the way she combs her hair. The beauty of a woman must be seen from in her eyes, because that is the doorway to her heart, the place where love resides.
The beauty of a woman is not in a facial mole, but true beauty in a woman is reflected in her soul. It is the caring that she lovingly gives, the passion that she shows, and the beauty of a woman with passing years only grows!
Saturday, September 6, 2008
Inspired by Samantha
Tuesday, September 2, 2008
The Best Labor Day Weekend Ever
So, when I first moved to Dallas, it was exciting. You know, having to rush around and get things done and feeling like you've got things to accomplish and zooming through the list of to-dos makes you feel good. I've been working for a month now, and half of that time was spent in D.C. for training, and even though it was really cool to go there and get to meet a lot of new people, I was really having a hard time being excited about what I am doing. I mostly keep thinking that I should be doing something more exciting, something that will give me this awesome life story, and I can tell people how I traveled all over the world after college and took pictures of beautiful places and people and met interesting people and all of that. And that would be cool, and I would love that and have an amazing time, I'm sure.
You're probably wondering about now how this was the Best Labor Day Weekend Ever if so far all I've talked about is what I miss and what I wish I could have. So, here I go. I was talking to Trey and saying how I get really unsure of myself when things change in my life, and his reply was that I should make a list of things I am grateful for whenever I feel like that. A lot of this is coming to me right we go: I looked up the word "bless" in the Bible, and in the New International Version, it comes up 62 times. The Sermon on the Mount is full of "blessed's", and they all seem to be for people who are not on top of the world-- they're poor in spirit or mourning or hungering. And then there are the peacemakers and the merciful and the pure in heart. Who knows what they are doing. They could be out in the world doing something really amazing or maybe just working at home, but they are blessed because of how they are doing it.
When I look at the people who mean the most to me and have helped me the most, it's pretty clear to me that they'd be the same no matter what their job was. Story time: I was really shy when I was in elementary and middle school. Even if I knew the answer, it terrified me to speak up in class, and I had a teacher in the 5th grade who loved to call on people--not to embarrass them, but she was really fun and young and spunky and just wanted everybody to get their chance to talk. One day, I think we were diagramming sentences (not joking, I loved that!), and Ms. Pascal called on me. I must have given off some mental alarm that showed her how mortified I was and probably waited for a while to answer, and then she just said to me, "All you can be is wrong." I don't really remember what happened after that (probably blacked out...just kidding), but I've remembered her saying that to me a lot.
What I am getting out of all of this for tonight is that being grateful and blessings are not about being right and wrong, and they are certainly not about freaking out about the future. Worry is ingratitude in advance (thanks, Warren!). So, right now, I am grateful for:
1) seeing Trey these last two weekends
2) having the pugs to come home to every night
3) most days getting to see Courtney and Phil
4) tubing down the Comal River
5) my license that will coming back to me soon, hopefully!
6) having a good job right out of college
7) being able to afford a new car
8) my mom and dad getting to go to China
It's time for me to go to bed now. More to come later on!
Wednesday, August 27, 2008
Strange Occurrences in A106
Oh the adventures of being an actuary!
Top 10 Reasons to be an actuary:
- You want a career that is dynamic and challenging. aka-- smart people are making codes confusing and nearly impossible to read
- You don’t want to go to graduate school. aka-- only 13 exams that you can pass in 7 years if you are a genius
- You want a career with superior job security through economic cycles. aka-- no one wants to learn how to do this no matter what the price!
- You want a professional title, but don’t want to be a doctor, lawyer or accountant. aka-- because even though they have to go through more exams, actuaries are waaay cooler, especially than accountants.
- You want a career with many opportunities that will provide you with skills that are transferrable across multiple industries. aka-- SCUBA diving, rock climbing, photographer, fudge maker, bread baker
- You would like to "earn while you learn." why is that in quotes? is it supposed to be sarcastic?
- You want a career that you control because advancement is merit-based. aka-- what's the rush?
- You want to be able to choose among outstanding job offers. aka-- get a job straight out of college!
- You want a highly competitive salary and excellent benefits. aka-- if you're in the business of pension plans, you better have one.
- You are self-motivated, goal oriented, and have superior math aptitude and communication skills. aka-- this is a job where telling math jokes is not only acceptable, but highly encouraged!
And the #1 reason to Be An Actuary is ...
- Free drinks (like cokes and chocolate milk and juice) whenever you want
- Dessert twice a day during training. Plus snack time, twice a day also!
- Walking to training and almost falling over because you’re still not so comfortable in heels and turning around cautiously just to find out that you were not in fact the only witness (anything to make someone’s walk to training more pleasurable, right?).
- Being in retirement at 22.
- Having clients casually say “I think those people are at summer camp” and be serious.
- Mini golf, indoors with black lights. The greens were about 7 feet long by 3 feet wide with different “obstacles” like shoots and bumps.
- Global locations.
- 48 math nerds. Dave and Buster’s. Scavenger hunt. Running required. I’ll say no more…
- Conversations that include, “If you touch my calculator, I’ll kill you!”
- Free flight to St. Louis to visit Trey for the middle weekend of training in D.C.!
And the #1 reason to Be An Actuary is ...
Tuesday, August 19, 2008
Washington D.C.
Sunday, August 10, 2008
6 biscuits
6 Turkey sausage links
6 tablespoons of syrup
5 sandswiches each with:
1 hoagie roll
3 slices of turkey
1 oz of cheddar cheese
1 tablespoon of mayo
5 nectarines
6 oz of chips
1 oz of cheddar cheese
24 oz filet mignon
4 twice baked potatoes (2 whole potatoes)
41 spears of asparagus
6 pieces of fudge
Yes. That's a lot of food, I know. Surprising how I keep my figure, huh? Well, not quite the truth, but that's what I would have eaten yesterday if I were to get the number of calories that Michael Phelps has on a daily basis. Yes, 8-10,000 calories a day! So, if you love to eat and want to keep your figure, here's the diet for you: the Olympics.
Wednesday, August 6, 2008
Welcome to Watson Wyatt Worldwide where we want to work!
Yesterday was kind of a slow day at work. I don't remember what I was doing, but I dropped my purple pen (which is my favorite), and look at how it landed! Whoa dang!!
Now, sit back. I'm going to tell you two stories.
Story Number 1:
Courtney and Phil found out by chance that their pastor was going to Maine for the wedding of President Bush's nephew. They thought he was going to be one of a few officiants in the wedding. Cool, huh?
Story Number 2:
One of the girls at work was on PTO when I started on Monday. When she got back on Tuesday, I asked her where she went on vacation. "To Maine with my family," she said. She also happened to mention going to a wedding-- the wedding of George P. Bush and Amanda Williamson. The President of the United States was going to be there, and so someone told her not to bug him for pictures, but apparently he came up and took a picture with her and a group of her friends just because he felt like it. Cool, huh?
Wait! What?
Walking to lunch today, I was talking to Elizabeth and said, "Hey, I think that my sister's pastor was at the same wedding you were at this weekend."
Elizabeth: "Really?"
Me: "Yeah, I think he was an officiant or did some readings!"
Elizabeth: "Was he the Episcopal minister who did the ceremony?"
Me: "No, he's Methodist."
Elizabeth: "Oh. I can't think of anyone else who did the ceremony...Hmm...Wait, is his name Jim Bowden?"
Me: "Yes! I'm pretty sure that's him!"
Elizabeth: "Crazy! Yeah, he gave the blessing before dinner, and I sat next to him!"
So, out of the tons of people I'm sure were there, Courtney and Phil knew 1, and I knew 1. Little did we know that they would sit next to each other at dinner! Cool, huh?
Monday, August 4, 2008
Saturday...Monday...Wait! Where'd Sunday go?
Saturday night, Courtney, Phil, and I went to the Rangers' game! Some of their friends from church have season tickets, and when they can't go, they offer them to the Moser's. Unfortunately, the Rangers lost to the Toronto Blue Jays, but there were a few really cool plays. At one point, we were down (I don't know by how many), we had no outs, and the bases were loaded. I was soo hoping to see my first ever grand slam, so I got out my camera...
They didn't get it that time, but they got another chance! I took another picture, but then I looked up. The picture wasn't quite as pretty: 2 outs, 2 strikes, 2 fouls, bases loaded. It would take a miracle to have this batter hit a home run for a grand slam. So, I put my camera down. Then...smack! He hit it right past the third baseman, and they were running!!
After a while, we all got a little tired of the game, and so we began trying to find our hidden talents! Look at us!
And today was my first official day of work! I'm not sure where Sunday went... I was so grateful that traffic was not bad today. I left a little before 8 and was up from the parking garage by 8:35! Wow. Anyway, I got to re-meet a lot of people from last summer, and I got a new cube with a window view! Apparently, hawks come and sit on a ledge right outside my office, and sometimes they bring roadkill! Eww! I have my first meeting to talk about client work on Wednesday afternoon, and I leave for training in D.C. in less than two weeks now! Crazy!
An informative note about the poll on Trey's blog: I am really really really really really terrified of snakes! Please submit your vote accordingly.
Saturday, August 2, 2008
Waaaay Beyond the Bubble...and sorry, Courtney, I blogged first!
Anyway, on one of our last visits, my roommate Marcia and I decided to purchase at-home Bubble Tea kits. She got pineapple, and I decided on honeydew, and then we swapped half of each of ours so we could try both flavors. It's been sitting around waiting to be used all summer, and yesterday was the day! Courtney took the day off work, so in the afternoon, we watched Becoming Jane and made Bubble Tea.
First of all, uncooked boba looks and smells like dogfood. They're these brown, crumbly balls, and they permeate the entire bag with their smell.
By far, the funniest part of this experiment was the warning label. Watch out Gramma!
Wednesday, July 30, 2008
Me + Garmin = <3
BTW (that was for you, dear sister, who speaks in abbreviations), my garmin was working hard with all the addresses I plugged into it, which was AMAZING! "In point 9 miles, take a left. When possible, make a U-turn. Turn right. Turn right. TURN RIGHT. Recalculating." Wonderful!
Then, it was time to go to the bank. So, I plugged in the address for Wells Fargo, and I followed it until it said, "Arriving at destination on right." That's so much better with the British accent. Anyway, I was trying to figure out where the heck the Wells Fargo was, and then I saw it...the Tom Thumb. No tellers, just a machine operated ATM which needed...yes...the debit card that I do not have yet. So, it was back to the car and time to put the garmin to the test. And she passed with flying colors, leading me to a true Wells Fargo Bank that was only 1.3 miles away from my next destination!
The Tax Office
I brought this huge file folder of information because I didn't want to even come close to forgetting one document that would make me have to go back home and waste more time! Needless to say, I'm sure I looked like a geek lugging it around, but I had everything I needed! And they gave me Texas plates right there! No mailing or anything, just here are your plates! That process only took a half an hour or so.
The Driver's License Office
I don't know why it takes so long, but it does. I got there when they were on number 42, and my number was 59. Two hours later they had somehow blitzed through it comes!! Nope. I did not get included in the lucky blitz streak. But about 10 minutes later, they called me up, took my picture, and gave me a temporary license. I got in my car and sang really loud to Michael Buble's "Moondance" on the way home. It was fantastic, and now I am officially a Texan in every legal way possible. I even said "fixing to" today. Ahh!
Monday, July 28, 2008
Oh oh the Wells Fargo Wagon is a comin' down the street!
Then I got me my own bank, but unfortunately Wachovia is not quite there with the free checking and savings account. While I was setting everything at Wells Fargo, I was chatting with Teresa (the girl helping me), and she said she was in East Texas in this little town nobody's ever heard of called Longview. Little did she know that I had just been there two weeks ago for Samantha and Tommy's wedding! And then she said she moved around a bunch and got to Richmond, but said she didn't know Karen (lol, that would have been crazy!). What a random coincidence though!
And tonight I got a new cell phone and bookshelves and a hamper! So, after I go to TxDOT tomorrow morning, I'm heading back here to put my handy skills to the test!
Dora fell asleep for a while on my bed and woke up looking a little confused. "Why am in a Queen bed instead of a King, and where's Ruby?!"
Sunday, July 27, 2008
Almost a Texan
Summertime... I love summer, and that's one thing I'm really going to miss about being in school. At the end of last summer, I had big plans for this summer: traveling on my own, taking pictures of exotic locations, finding an apartment, buying a car, moving to Dallas, and ending with starting my job. But what do you know? Plans change! I did absolutely nothing on that list (other than buy a car, but that was in December), and it was an incredible summer that I would trade for anything in the world (except maybe dinner right now because I am huuungry).
Traveling on my own
While my initial attraction to this was that it seemed contemplative and new and daring, I realized pretty quickly that that's only good if that's what you want. And what I wanted was to have fun with people I love and soak up every minute of my friends and family that I possibly could before I start "the real world". Solution: drive an insane amount of miles between Missouri, Tennessee, and Texas with the company of Trey for every car trip and Mom and Dad for the trip from Texas to Memphis and back.
Prin to Cedars: 197 milesYeah. I think I got traveling covered just fine, and I'm glad I didn't do it alone.
Cedars to Gtown: 292 miles
Gtown to Grand Prairie: 493 miles
Grand Prairie to Longview: 147 miles
Longview to Grand Prairie: 150 miles (Google Maps explain this one...)
Grand Prairie to Gtown: 492 miles
Gtown to Grand Prairie: 493 miles
Total Distance: 2,264 miles
Taking pictures of exotic locations
So much better than that! Instead of going somewhere by myself to take pictures of something that didn't mean much to me, I went back to camp! My job was pretty much to walk around to all the different activities and programs and take pictures of kids laughing and having fun. I wasn't expecting to want a cabin again, but even though I missed playing with the kiddos, it was probably one of the best jobs I've ever had: who else can say they got to meet tons of people, take pictures of happy kids, get certified to drive a Genie, play with sparklers, and lots lots more.
Finding an apartment
If you're looking for a great deal on rent, let me tell you that the Moser Mansion comes fully equipped with live entertainment, cuddly pugs, carpool buddies, and workout motivation (or compulsion, haha, just kidding Court). Purchasing insurance coverage for traumatic stress following Ham Storms is still pending approval from owners but will hopefully be in place soon.
Buying a car
Check! I love my Atomic Blue Honda Civic. She has air conditioning and a sun roof. What more could a girl want?
Moving to Dallas
I'm here now, sitting in my blue room, mostly unpacked, and I couldn't resist the temptation to start a bet a little early.
Starting my job
1 week, 13 hours, and 28 minutes.
Thanks to never knowing how plans can change! Otherwise, I would have missed out on being at camp for one last hurrah, catching Hot Throwed Rolls at Lambert's, being a bridesmaid in Tommy and Samantha's wedding (ahh! sooo wonderful-- this was my favorite weekend of the summer), going to a rodeo in Fort Worth, making the best caramel fudge in the world of chocolate with Trey, playing Dutton/Bogott golf in the middle of a burning hot day, hanging with the Huwers, eating lots of barbeque, learning to make homemade bread and eating it hot out of the oven with honey butter, going to a Redbirds game with Amy, Ruth, Phillip, Mom, Dad, and Trey, baking an angel food cake with Debbie's frosting recipe, and finding out that I am NOT allergic to pugs.
"Being an Adult" training began this afternoon when I tried to get car insurance. Phil called to see if I could be added on to their plan, and as I was giving the woman my information, she seemed surprised that I didn't know my driver's license number, and then she asked me for my VIN. What the heck is a VIN?! Obviously, it's a secret acronym that only experienced adults know. Or it's the Vehicle Identification Number that's on your insurance card. Oh, and I will not be getting insurance with Court and Phil because their rate more than doubled because we would have had to have all 3 of us insured on all 3 cars! When she told me the previous
rate and the new rate, I said, "Excuse me, could you repeat that last number? I don't think I heard you." Oh, but I had heard her.
I'll post pictures soon. I'm going to try to do some kind of slide show or something.
Tuesday, July 1, 2008
What a small world!
Wednesday, June 4, 2008
Hey, why not?
Wednesday, May 28, 2008
Memphis and Other Adventures in May
10 People
Fried Pickles
Shooting at the Gun Range
Barbeque Festival
5:00 AM Wakeup
Golf/Nap and Shop Time
Wrapping 50+ cookie cutters
3 hour nap
That's the sushi roll of Memphis in May weekend! After the Intermediate Photography field trip to the Sheldon Art Gallery, Trey and I met the Dutton's at Ted Drewes for some famous St. Louis ice cream, and it was sooo good! Apparently when Trey was a kid, he threw his shoe out the window there so he could go back and get more, and it worked. Smart kid! I'd go for another brownie concrete even if it meant losing my favorite pair of shoes (ok, maybe that's a little extreme).
The next morning was the 5AMer...Whoof! Phil, Courtney, Trey, and I got up first to get set up for the triathlon, and then Mom, Dad, and Amy (I was sooo excited to see her!) came a little later to watch! After doing all the set-up stuff, I was the first in our gang to head out, and I finished my mile in 24:56-- not exactly Lib Arts time, but I beat Courtney by a whole 17 seconds!! Ohhh yeah! Nevermind the fact that she had two more legs ahead of her... Then Phil was off to biking, and Trey was waiting for his first ever 10K. While we were waiting for Phil to get in, Amy, Trey, and I were discussing the quickest way to tag off for the next part, which involved throwing Phil's bike over the railing where Trey would catch it and rack it, and then Trey would start the run down, and by the time he made it back past the Relay area, Phil would be there to do a running chip strap! While we were so busy discussing this, I looked up and
Even though Trey could barely walk, the guys went and played 9 holes of golf after lunch, while the girls crashed at home for a while and then went shopping. Sunday night was pretty chill, and Trey and I started wrapping 100 cookie cutters for Tommy and Samantha-- it was his idea to wrap them individually...Haha, but it all turned out great in the end! I was totally exhausted by the time we got back on Monday, so I slept from 3:50 PM to 6:50 PM and then went to bed again at 11 something and slept til 8 the next morning. Oh, how I love sleep!
This weekend was "Night at the Museum" on the Chapel Green on Friday, Saturday I cleaned like crazy, baked Choc Chip Banana Bread, and we played Pixar Monopoly again at the pub. Inspired by Pixar (and who wouldn't be?), Trey and I watched Cars after that! Sunday was absolutely insane but so much fun again! Here we go: get up, go to church, lunch with Dan and Adrian (learn that Dan got 2 tatoos...kind of--they are dots), Senior Women's Tea, leave early to get to Samantha and Tommy's shower-- I think they liked the cookie cutters, and they unwrapped them all,-- dinner at Barney's with the Duttons, ice cream at Fritz's with the Duttons, hail storm, looking at baby pictures of Trey (who I was expecting to be much bigger from all his talk, but he was just a really cute little kid), then back to Prin to start the week again!
2) Ribbon Bouquet Arranger
3) Banana Bread Baker
4) Photographer? (is that in there somewhere?)
Here are some pictures I took in the studio-- I think they're kind of fun!