Monday, March 31, 2008

Red Hot Chili Peppers in the Big Truck

For all you avid viewers of B-ritt's blog who've been disappointed by the lack of updates in the last few weeks, I'd like to begin by offering my apologies, but even a beginning blogger sometimes needs a break from the rigorous demands of her fans, so off to sunny Florida I went! Trey's family has a timeshare down in Pompano Beach (note the incredible view...), so after finals were done, Trey, Luisa, and I packed the Big Truck (a real trooper, as you'll learn later on) rather haphazardly, spent the night in Memphis, and headed to warmer weather early Sunday morning.

After dropping Luisa off at home in West Palm Beach and almost having a gas crisis in the middle of a city, Trey and I made it to the condo at about 1 AM after Trey had driven some 16 hours-- but 16 hours goes faster with Catch Phrase and jelly beans. The next morning, even though it was really windy, the Duttons and I made it out to the beach, and I got to experience the making of a sand castle with a couple of intense shovels and sand castle makers. We found a some cool copopods (I have no idea if that's the right way to spell it) and made them a little room on the top of the castle, shaded from the sun and any hungry birds and then sat in hand-dug pits while we read and watched the tide take away the castle we had just built.

Tuesday it was so windy that the beach would have permanently imbedded sand in us, so we went to Parrot Jungle Island in Miami instead! It was so cool-- it's like a zoo mainly devoted to parrots, lions, tigers, and some reptiles. We got into a little trouble right at first when we tried to take our own pictures with the parrots, but what's the fun in an adventure if you don't try to bend the rules a little, right? And did you know that a Liger is an actual animal, weighing in at a whopping 900 lbs?! There's also some animal there that smells like hot buttered popcorn but it's name sounded like plkch shatabrt, so just know if you're in the jungle and smell popcorn, it's probably not Orville Redenbacher there to join you for a leisurely stroll...

We spent the last part of our time there feeding a whole line of parrots, one of whom (Sky) was really eager to get off his perch and sit on Trey and his dad. They would just hold out their arms to feed him, and he'd climb right on. Another bird waved one wing around like he had a secret to tell you, and my favorite seemed to have some kind of problem that made him look like he couldn't stop dancing.

A few more days lounging around the pool and reading books got us all ready for another adventure on Friday. Our original plan was to have me take a resort course in SCUBA diving and then go on 2 dives with Trey, Ashely, and Rick, but apparently the conditions would have been like combat diving, and even though the veterans were up for it, no one thought it'd be a good idea for my first dive. I ended up doing the course on Friday, and it was so fun!! The Duttons all went kayaking while I did the class, and by the time they got back for a photo shoot, I was hooked--even in murky water. At one point, the instructor (Connor, who has a pirate house), came back to us from grabbing some weights from a couple yards away and said, "There's a 6 foot bull shark hanging out right over their by the dock!" I was pretty much a 50/50 mixture of curiosity and terror until I looked up and saw Trey laughing. Don't worry mom-- no sharks...yet.
Then it was down to Key West to walk around, see the southernmost point in the US (only 90 miles from Cuba, but unfortunately the marker isn't quite the southernmost point but it was pretty dang close), refueling with yummy seafood lunch and ice cream right next to the beautiful ocean and lots of sailboats, and then it was time to head back.

Rick and Debbie left on Saturday afternoon because they had to get back to work, so on Easter Sunday the three "orphans" sadly had to become stowaways on a dive boat where they had to put their underwater skills to the test in order to survive! With only a wetsuit, regulator, fins, mask, and enough air to last at least 45 minutes, it was tough work to accomplish! On an entirely serious note, SCUBA diving is pretty much the coolest, most incredible thing I've ever done. It was awesome to be at the surface of the water, look down and see the water, coral, and sand below absolutely teeming with so much life. Fish are swimming everywhere, and the whole time I was down there, I felt like I was in a dream. The dive instructor kept motioning for us to take pictures in different places, and he would always tell Trey and I to hold hands for the pictures (he warned Trey before hand that if he started spinning me around that he wasn't getting fresh but probably just fixing something on my gear). We got to see so many fish-- a HUGE trumpet fish (between 2 and 3 feet long), a scrawled cowfish, trunkfish, lobsters (which were pointed at with a "mmm yummy" signal), grouper, parrotfish (maybe my favorite), butterfly fish, barracuda, and so many others I couldn't possibly name them all! And we were in the water with a shark!!! I think Ashley was the only one of us to see it, but Trey and I both saw the instructor giving the shark sign and pointing. A word or two about tan lines: wearing Keens and being outside as much as a SCUBA instructor makes your feet look like tigers-- my instructor, David, was evidence of this! After two long dives (45 minutes on the bottom that went by really fast), we got to warm up on the boat on the way back in, and then went back to Pompano to meet our friends at the condo. Before starting the next part of the blog, I would like to say to anyone who is reading this and hasn't gone SCUBA diving-- do it! It's so amazing to actually see an ecosystem working like that, and it's unlike anything I could ever imagine seeing on land.

And I can't take credit for all these pictures-- Trey and Ashley took them all!

When we got back to the condo, Laura, Peter, and Karen had been waiting for a little while for us to get back, running in the rain on the beach and getting completely soaked but apparently having a good time! Samantha came in a little while later, and since it was Easter, what else was there but an Easter egg hunt!! Trey and I hid them all over the apartment, filled with candy and other random items like cookie dough, cheese, and pretzels. After giving hints like "I hear wheat thins you out" for the one in the Wheat Thins box, all the eggs were discovered, and Easter was complete! On Monday, Laura, Samantha, Karen, and Peter went to Naples to see Laura's family, and Trey and I met them for dinner after we dropped Ashely off at the airport. And let me tell you, good company, alligators, and oldies music makes a 3 hour drive go by really fast!

The next few days were a great way to end Spring Break-- we lounged on the beach, took walks, read, and made dinner on the grill (mostly)! The first night of cooking out was great! We had super burgers, and Trey and Peter constructed a hut to block the wind from the grill, and the burgers tasted great, along with out mac and cheese. The second night, Karen and I ran out to grab some more things for cooking, but ended up taking too long, so the charcoal had died, so we had somewhat grilled, somewhat baked chicken for dinner that night. Lesson learned-- grilled chicken is deee-licious, so don't run out of heat too soon!

On the last day, Trey and I went up to have lunch at Luisa's mom's restaurant in West Palm Beach. It's called Mono's, and it's a Colombian restaurant. Trey told Luisa just to pick out her favorites, and we both had absolutely amazing lunches--empanadas, chicken with cream sauce, steak, rice, fried plantains (2 ways), beans, and arepas (like thick corn tortillas) with fresh cheese. By the end, we were absolutely stuffed!! Luisa and her mom showed us around the back where they make the arepas, and then we took a picture and headed back to Pompano for a few more hours at the beach!

Friday morning was another early, but we all hit the road headed for Memphis. We had a competition between the cars to see who could get the most number of license plates/states on the way home, and even though Karen, Laura, and Samantha beat our car with states, we had a whopping 72 with all those crazy Florida plates!! And we even saw an Alaska...amazing. We also played catch phrase for about 4 hours and contemplated life as the "billboard lady." Tuuupelo was a great source of entertainment for our valiant driver, Trey Dutton, sole driver of the big truck.

Memphis was also an adventure! After Karen, Samantha, and Luisa headed off to school on Saturday, Laura, Peter, Trey, and I went to Range USA with my parents to participate in the southern sport of shooting. Mom and Dad gave us some safety lessons, and then it was all about the targets...which are now hanging up at Prin! Needless to say, we had a really good time, and my parents were pleasantly surprised! Dinner was so good y'ull slap yo mama at the Commissary, where Austin branded our foreheads with Cars stickers and my new baby niece Chloe (who has my birthday!!) couldn't keep her eyes off Trey! Back at home we played with Austin, hiding Hopper on the fan, in vases, and finally ending with a brilliant game of "Bob the Weasel"--Hopper style. Austin was running around the room sneaking candy as Hopper whizzed past his head multiple times until he finally saw him due to a catching mishap on the adults' parts...come on guys, get it together and win with some dignity!

Even though our trip back to school to start the last quarter at Prin was mostly uneventful--except the stimulating Physics and Chemistry conversations flying between Peter and Laura in the back seat, we didn't make it home without one last big blowout of an adventure! 43.8 miles away from Trey's house, we heard a huge pop, and Trey pulled off to the side of the road (I think all our hearts were beating pretty fast at this point), only to find that Laura had eaten a few too many jellybeans! The tire was just flat, it was exploded! Luckily, the Duttons came to our rescue because it was pouring rain outside, and the spare was under all our our luggage. When I called my dad to tell him we weren't going to get to school right on time, he said, "The back left tire, right? Yeah, I heard it squeaking this morning in the garage, and I knew it was going to happen. I should have said something, but I didn't." Thanks, Dad... just kidding, but he did know. So, for all you car owners out there, a squeaky tire is what "Car Talk" would say has delaminated, a fancy car term for, "you're basically going to explode your tire in the next few hundred miles, so go slow or change your tires." So, after some more car Catch Phrase and an ice cream break at the Dutton's, we finally got back to Prin!

And now life consists of Natural Resources Conservation, Intermediate Photography, and Personal Journaling. Life is hard when you're a senior... Thanks to everybody for an amazing last Spring Break!

Sunday, March 9, 2008

And the winner is...

Noah and Allie from The Notebook! Howard Formal this year was themed "A Night at the Oscars," so naturally since Trey looks so much like Noah (as confirmed by multiple waitresses at Clifton Terrace), that's who we picked! And for winning the "Best Dressed Couple," we got gold statues and chocolate skittles. Yes, you read that right, chocolate skittles. Hmmm...not so sure where the marketing department was on that because the sugary goodness of skittles doesn't quite meld with a classic flavor like chocolate. But, most importantly, we won!

Also included at the party were Mr. and Mrs. Smith, James Bond, Sean Connery, Beyonce, Tom Cruise, Carey Grant, Katie Holmes, and many more! The sparkling cider was flowing, the dessert was delectable (chocolate mousse and cheesecake, of course), and the stars were radiant! Too bad the paparazzi didn't cover this one! More pictures to come, but the uploader isn't pleased with me right now...

Less than a week until Spring Break, which means there's a lot to do and not much time to do it! My capstone on optics is coming along, but I've got a lot to do still. I'm going to have to buckle down, start staying up later, stop getting distracted (perhaps by blogs...), and just write! However, here are the top 10 ways to procrastinate:
10. Making silly putty faces on my desk
9. Cleaning! Who would have ever thought it was such a good stress reliever?
8. Shopping. There's nothing a shopping trip can't fix, right?
7. Watching How I Met Your Mother. It's legendary!
6. Working out. Yes, I went running! Amazing, huh? Only once so far, though...
5. Contrary to number 6, eating. Bad habit.
4. Packing. I know it's similar to cleaning, but I'm ready to go!
3. Showering. It's a great way to procrastinate because it has to be done!
2. Moisturizing. Lately, it's been consuming much of my time!
1. Obviously, the blog... it's a killer.

Tuesday, March 4, 2008

March Madness

Weather predictions were true, and for the first time that I can remember at Prin, the school closed for snow. I'm sure we've got a good six inches on the ground, and they were saying possibly up to ten! Unfortunately I had to go work and wasn't able to go play out in the beautiful Almost-Spring Wonderland, but it's gonna be around for a while.

Lessons learned today:
1) Baking brownies is much more fun if you do it with someone else and then share them (warm of course) with your friends while watching the end of Hitch and eating them straight from the pan with spoons. Dry ingredients should go in first, but really eggs don't matter if you do one and then the other or vice versa.
2) Mouse traps are scary when they go off- even if you know it's coming! Screaming like a girl is necessary for the event, especially because it's an important life skill to know before getting your own apartment.
3) Rolling film is much more fun with music.
4) Credit cards may get you into financial trouble (no worries-- I'm not there), but they do earn you points!

And now for a random tribute to Spanish:
Tomo una clase de espanol este trimestre. Es divertida. Aprendo palabras muchas nuevas, pero no hablo muy bueno. Vemos una pelicula sobre una profesora de antropologia y un hombre de empresas. Es muy comica. Me gusta fotografia mas que espanol, pero voy a vivir en Dallas y espanol va ser muy util.

Sunday, March 2, 2008

A serious matter...

All photo credits for the mid-air flop should go to Trey Dutton. He's the master photographer of that one! Seriously, it's a sweet shot.

Welcome to the Midwest!

For my last year in the state of Illinois, it only seems appropriate that the weather is manic. Today it's 75 and absolutely gorgeous! In fact, the balcony window is open, and I am sitting on my bed in shorts and a tank top. However, the forecast for Tuesday includes SNOW! What in the world? Flip flops back to my fuzzy, pink snowboots... Hopefully this spring will be a little more consistent, but at least the pattern has been warmer, more enjoyable weekends.

On other news, two of my best friends are getting married! Samantha and Tommy got engaged on February 10th, and they are tying the knot this July 11th. How exciting!! They are the cutest, sweetest couple, and it's so much fun getting to hear all their plans. It's exciting to know both of them so well, and I couldn't be happier for them. This will be my 4th time as a bridesmaid, but even though Courtney said, "Always a bridesmaid, never a bride," I can't wait to be a bridesmaid for them, and I would rather be always a bridesmaid than always a bride! We had a little party for them yesterday while Samantha's parents were in town for dance prod and had Samantha's favorite Popeye's chicken and yummy pies from My Just Desserts and sparkling cider!

My collegiate career of swimming ended last week. It's been weird not to be practicing, and it's too bad that I just can't keep say that I'm not too sad to say goodbye. Liberal Arts went really well, and the women ended in 3rd place! Last time tat happened was Courtney's senior year, and the women's 400 free relay took her off the board! Sorry Courtney...crushed by 3 seconds! I became a distance swimmer this year and took 12 seconds off my 500 and 37 off my mile, so I feel like it was a pretty successful year even if I never made the Top Ten list. At the end of the meet, we threw Carl, Jenny, and Eric in the pool, and then Steph and I did a senior belly flop for the team.

Two weeks until Spring Break!! The first week will be with the Duttons in Pompano Beach, FL, and then Peter, Laura, Karen, and Samantha are joining Trey and I down there to spend the second week having more fun in the sun. I am so excited and ready!